
Viterbi Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

The USC Viterbi Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) is an 8-week summer residential research program at USC. The program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects with academic-industry collaboration under the mentorship of Viterbi faculty and PhD students. The program allows participants to develop skill sets in research towards their long-term career goals. Participants also will engage in professional network opportunities and build relationships that will expand their academic and professional horizons. The overarching goal of SURE is to help students develop an understanding of research in engineering disciplines, and preparing students with skills for successful academic careers in engineering graduate programs.

Each year we host 1-3 SURE students in the summer. Qualified undergraduate students are encouraged to apply and indicate their interest in Prof. Sideris’s research.

Viterbi Summer High School Intensive in Next-Generation Engineering (SHINE)

The Summer High School Intensive in Next-Generation Engineering (SHINE) offers a seven-week immersion in a professor’s lab, with close mentoring by the research team plus SHINE cohort activities. Each student works on authentic, immersive lab projects within their choice of cutting-edge research in order to learn through experience, transforming good students into confident, capable contributors to high-impact research. Through weekly activities with the entire cohort SHINE also builds a close-knit community where students are introduced the practices and ethics of creating new knowledge, social and intellectual networking, college prep tips, and extensive experience in science communication.

Each year we host 1-2 SHINE students.